Eye examination

The routine eye examination uses: medical history, objective examination with slit lamp, tonometry, ophthalmometry, autorefractometry, visual acuity, background evaluation. Depending on the need and/or the pathology that the patient requires, the doctor will indicate the most appropriate instrumental diagnostic test to be performed. Depending on the case the pupils of both eyes can be dilated for a more thorough evaluation of the posterior segment of the eye.

Visits and consultations for plastic eyelid surgery

At the Sekal center, the patient may request a consultation with external oculoplastic collaborators. In addition to aesthetics, the eyelid structure plays, directly and indirectly, an important role in the determination of the patient’s visual capacity. Visits for oculoplastic surgery therefore make use of an eye examination by routine, study of the tear film, analysis of the ocular surface and specific semeiological investigations for the evaluation of the functional state of the periorbital scar.

Total aberrometry

The aberrometry is an examination that allows verification of possible alterations of the ocular structures, in particular of the dioptric means (cornea, crystalline, aqueous humor, vitreous body).

Portable and non-portable auto refractometry

Portable auto refractometers are very light and compact instruments; this favors a correct balance during their use.

Biometry and Ecobiometry

Biometrics is an exam that allows measuring the length of the eyeball, a fundamental parameter for the calculation of the intraocular lens to be implanted during cataract surgery.

Computerized Visual Field

The campimeter is a tool that evaluates, through the projection of a small light, the sensitivity of the retina in the various regions of the visual field.

A-scan and B-scan ultrasound

The ultrasound scan through the emission and reception of a sound wave identifies areas with different densities.

A computer analyzes the ultrasound image as if you were making a section of the tissue you are going to examine.

Ocular electrophysiology

It consists of a device (Retimax – CSO) for recording the bio electrical responses evoked during the perception of structured visual stimuli.

The patient who has been connected to skin electrodes is placed in front of a monitor that has black and white squares of variable size and contrast.

Corneal esthesometry

The esthesometry allows quantification of the sensitivity of the cornea through the Cochet-Bonnet extensometer.

Tear film

At the Sekal Microsurgery Rovigo center the diagnostic-therapeutic path for the dry eye consists of a set of exams, such as: Colors with fluorescein and lissamine green; Schirmer test; BUT (Break UP Time) invasive and non-invasive; Tearscope; Corneal esthesometry; Specific questionnaires to subject the patient’s discomfort.

Fluorescein Angiography Retinal

Fluorescein Angiography (FA) Retinal is an ophthalmic diagnostic test that allows for the careful study of blood vessels of the retina and the choroid. It is performed by injecting a contrast agent called fluorescein into a vein. Through this examination it is possible to highlight the non-sprayed areas (ischemic) and any lesions caused by the retinal neovascularization.


Through the projection of a series of concentric rings on the cornea we obtain a three-dimensional representation of the surface: the topographic map.

Endothelial microscopy

The endothelial microscope is a technology used in ophthalmology that allows to establish the number and vitality of a thin layer of corneal cells (the transparent structure of the eye) which is called endothelium.

Corneal pachymetry

Pachymetry is used preoperatively to assess the maximum quantity of removable tissue in a cornea for the correction of a visual defect.

Static and dynamic pupillometry

The accurate measurement of the pupillary diameter in scotopic, mesopic, photopic and dynamically and the integration with the corneal map is of fundamental importance both in refractive surgery and as a preoperative exam, in cataract surgery.

Instrumental retinoscopy

The retinal images are acquired automatically with the use of specific defined tools called “Retinoscopes“.

Scheimpflug’s camera

The “Scheimpflug cameras” are instruments that use two cameras: one fixed (central) and one rotating (Peripheral).

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the anterior segment

OCT is the English acronym of Optical Coherence Tomographer, or optical coherence tomograph. The technique allows to reconstruct sectional images (tomograms) of a fabric using a light beam.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the posterior segment

This tool allows you to reconstruct sectional images (tomograms) of the retina using a light beam. The OCT of the posterior segment finds indications in all the retinal pathology, as for example: diabetes, age-related macular degeneration, macular holes, retinal membranes, etc…

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) for the study of the optic nerve

Through this method it is possible to acquire fundamental images for the study of the morphology of the optic nerve, allowing us to measure the thickness of nerve fibers, thereby uncovering excellent indications in the study of evolution of glaucomatous disease.

Angiographic optical coherence tomography (OCT): Angio-OCT

The Angio-OCT exam exploits the extension of a particular OCT (Computerized Optical Tomography) to study the static vascular morphology of the retina without the need for any contrast agent.


The ocular tone (pressure) can be measured with:

  • breath tonometry: measures the pressure of the eye through a small spray of air;
  • applanation tonometry and tono-pen: they measure the pressure necessary to deform the cornea obtaining, indirectly, intraocular pressure.

Test for age-related macular degeneration

AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) is a common eye disease that can occur in the third age and is the most frequent cause of vision loss after 50 years.


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