Massimo Camellin was born in Rovigo on 5 September 1958 and graduated in Medicine and Surgery in Ferrara in 1983 with the thesis titled “The problems of the preventive calculation of the dioptric power and analysis of the formulas proposed in the implantation of intraocular lenses“.

In 1987 he specialized in Ophthalmology in Ferrara. His final thesis was titled “Analysis of surgical techniques for astigmatism correction and experimental investigations“. 

From 1984 to 1999 he worked at the Prof. Merlin-Dott. Camellin in Rovigo

From 1988 to 1994 he worked as a refractive surgeon at the Life Cronos center in Prato directed by Dr. W. Capobianco.

From 1988 to 1999 he worked at the Villa Erbosa nursing home in Bologna as an anterior segment surgeon. 

From 1994 to 2001 he worked at the Villa delle Orchidee nursing home in Forlì as a surgeon of the anterior segment.

In 1999 he founded the Sekal Microchirurgia Rovigo where he still practices and fills the role of Health Director.
Sekal Microchirurgia Rovigo, which has CERSOI quality certification, has a staff of 12 people, including 5 doctors. Furthermore, the structure is used by 12 other doctors for diagnostic and surgical activities in both the anterior and posterior segments. Sekal Microsurgery Rovigo is qualified in the training of current Orthoptics and Ophthalmological Assistance students in agreement with the University of Ferrara

Dr. Camellin has taken part in over 400 national and international congresses, most of them as a speaker, on topics of corneal diagnostics, refractive surgery, correction of astigmatism after corneal transplantation, cataract and calculation of intraocular lenses, optics, contactology and vitreolysis. 

He has organized 14 courses of corneal topography, 4 on refractive surgery and 5 on the calculation of IOL after refractive surgery. 

He has organized 5 courses of refractive surgery and live cataract surgery in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 at Sekal Microchirurgia Rovigo.

He has also conducted refractive surgery courses in Brussels (2000), San Diego (2001), Amsterdam (2001), Rome (2001), Houston (2002), Cleveland (2003), Houston (2004), Ft. Lauderdale ( 2005, 2007, 2008), Rome (from 2008 to 2016), Milan (2018). 

He carries out the role of councilor on the board of directors at the Società Ofalmologica Triveneta.

He is also a peer reviewer for the following international scientific journals: 

  • Journal of Refractive surgery;
  • Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery;
  • Cornea.

He was a member of the editorial board of Ocular Surgery News. 

From January 2017 he has held the position of Prof. of Physiopathological Optics at the University of Ferrara. 

Research Projects

In 1985 he collaborated with the Optikon company for the development of pachymetric software

In 1985 he developed a computerized optotype with proprietary software.

In 1985 he devised a system for measuring the electrical resistance of the tear film in order to calculate its evaporation.

In 1985 he created the first trigonometric formula in the world for determining the posterior radius of the cornea in vivo.

In 1990 he developed a program (Kirmac) to perform radial keratotomy (RK) operations.

In 1991 he designed an intraocular lens for implantation in the sac in high myopia (Suncoast).

In 1992 he collaborated in the process of fine-tuning a twin lense for the correction of keratoconus (Compo-Soleko).

In 1993 he developed a motorization to be applied to the diamond scalpel for radial keratotomy.

In 1995 he collaborated with Optikon 2000 for the development of a radiofrequency instrument for surgery of hypermetropia (Sagitarius).

In 1995 he devised a technique called “Intrastromal Lamellar Keratoplasty” for the correction of astigmatism after transplantation and pellucid degeneration.

In 1995 he created a rotary punch to carry out trabeculectomy surgeries.

In 1998 he invented the LASEK technique for the correction of visual defects using an excimer laser.

In 1999 he published the first version of IOL CALCULATOR (Camellin-Calossi), the first software in the world for the calculation of artificial lens after a refractive surgery.

In 2002 he launched the first topo-aberrometric link at the world level at SEKAL Microsurgery Rovigo thanks to collaboration with Mattioli and Federici, engineers of Optikon 2000.

In 2005 he developed a program to use Stratus OCT in corneal analysis (Pachicaliber).

In 2007 he devised a surgical technique for corneal transplantation called “interlocking“.

In 2008 he perfected the Epi-LASEK technique for the correction of visual defects using an excimer laser.

In 2010 along with the CSO company he developed a program to correct the orientation of intraocular lenses to correct astigmatism (Goniometer for the Phoenix platform).  

In 2011 he developed a reduced asphericity profile with the Schwind technicians for the correction of the miopia and hypermetropia using the Amaris excimer laser

In 2015 he designed the double implant of multifocal intraocular lenses (Camellens 1) in collaboration with the company SOLEKO.

In 2017 he created the Big Camel IOL for reducing spherical aberration in patients with large pupils.

In 2017 he carried out the first cataract surgery in Italy with a Zepto device (Mynosys). 

Scientific Awards

He has been awarded 8 scientific awards for his research presented at national and international conferences. 

  1. Award (CIICA) 1984 
    Graduation Thesis (Academic Year 1982-1983) “The problems of the preventive calculation of the dioptric power and analysis of the formulas proposed in the implantation of intraocular lenses“.
  2. Award (SIEO): Ecophthalmology, Ferrara November 9, 1985
    Article: Camellin M. “Proposal of a formula for evaluating the dioptric power of the posterior surface of the cornea.”
    Ultrasonography in ophthalmology J.M. Thijssen 1988.
  3. Award (SICOM Lo Cascio): 7th National Congress of Medical Contactology, Ferrara October 24, 1985
    Article: Camellin M. “Studio sulla resistenza elettrica nel film lacrimale
    Contattologia Medica e Chirurgia Refrattiva 1988 Anno VI; N° 3.
  4. Award (Topcon-Amplimedical): National Congress S.O.I., Rome November 20, 1986
    Article: Camellin M. “Study on corneal refraction through pachymetric reconstruction of the rear surface“.
    Contattologia Medica Parma 1987; Anno VIII N° 1.
  5. Runner-up Video Award: 7th International Congress on Cataract Surgery and Refractive Surgery, Florence June 18, 1993
    Article: Camellin M., Merlin F, Merlin U. “Motorization of the scalpel in radial keratotomy” Bulletin of Ophthalmology At Triveneta 1993.
  6. MSD Prize: XIV Congress of the Italian Laser Society in Ophthalmology, Cortina D’Ampezzo January 29, 1998 
    Topic: “Macrotherapeutic ablative laser treatment with highly myopic effect: causes and considerations”.
  7. Best Paper: ASCRS, Seattle (USA) March 1999
    Topic: “LASer Epithelial Keratomileusis: a new method to improve visual acuity and reduce pain”.
  8. Optikon 2000 Award: XIX S.I.L.O. Cortina D’Ampezzo January 2003
    Topic: “Topo-aberrometric Link Keratron / Schwind Esiris“.


He has published over 120 articles in Italian and international ophthalmological journals and is the author of a CD-Rom on LASEK and co-author of 2 CD-Roms of corneal topography.

He has written a book on LASEK in Italian and English (“LASEK & ASA”) and collaborated as an author for an English book about surface surgery “Lasek, PRK, and Excimer Laser Stromal Surface Ablaton” in collaboration with D.T.Azar and R.W.Lee. 

He published a book on Diagnostics of the anterior segment “TOPOGRAPHY AND DIAGNOSTICS OF THE SEGMENT FRONT APPLIED TO … ” Congress proceedings of 16 May 2014 – Rovigo. 

He was co-author of 20 books with topics concerning refractive surgery, corneal topography and contactology:

  1. Storia della chirurgia refrattiva di Lucio Buratto (Fabiano Editore 2020)
  2. History of Refractive Surgery di Lucio Buratto (Fabiano Editore 2020)
  3. La Biometria, Quaderni di Oftalmologia (Fabiano editore 2019)
  4. Chirurgia refrattiva (Edizione SOI 2016, Fabiano editore 2016)
  5. La chirurgia della cataratta (Edizione SOI 2015, Fabiano editore 2015)
  6. Difficult and complicated cases in refractive Surgery (J.Aliò, D.T.Azar, A.Abbouda. Ed. Springer Berlin H. 2015)
  7. Astigmatism optics, physiology and management (In Tech, Croata 2012)
  8. Corneal Topography (Slack Incorporated, Thorofare 2012)
  9. La Rifrazione Fisiopatologia e Clinica (Fabiano Editore, Canelli 2010)
  10. Indagini strumentali e oftalmologia pratica (Fabiano Editore, Canelli 2009)
  11. Refractive Surgery (Amar Agarwal, Athhyya Agarwal, Soosan, Jacob 2009)
  12. La Biometria (Fabiano Editore, Canelli 2009)
  13. Refractive Surgery Nightmares (Slack Incorporated, Thorofare 2007)
  14. Mastering Intraocular Lenses IOLs (Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi 2007)
  15. Contattologia medica (Fabiano Editore, Canelli 2003)
  16. The Aberrometers (F.Caimi, R.Brancato – Fabiano editore, Canelli 2003)
  17. Chirurgia dell’Ipermetropia (F. Caimi – Fabiano Editore, Canelli 2001)
  18. Chirurgia Refrattiva Principi e Tecniche (Fabiano Editore, Canelli 2000)
  19. Atlante di Topografa Corneale di P. Vinciguerra (Fogliazza Editore 1995)
  20. Chirurgia Dell’Astigmatismo (Verduci 1991)


Dr. Camellin is a member of the following societies: 

  • SOI: Società Oftalmologica Italiana;
  • SICoM: Società Italiana di Contattologia Medica;
  • SILO: Società Italiana Laser in Oftalmologia;
  • SOT: Società Oftalmologica Triveneta (Consigliere, membro del consiglio direttivo);
  • AICCER: Associazione Italiana Cataratta e Chirurgia Refrattiva (membro fondatore);
  • ASCRS: American Society Cataract Refractve Surgery;
  • ESCRS: European Society Cataract and Refractve Surgery;
  • IPC: Intraocular Lens Power Club (Gruppo internazionale di Oculisti e Fisici specializzati nello studio delle formule per il calcolo delle lenti intraoculari; gruppo d’eccellenza a partecipazione limitata);
  • ISHO: International Society of High-Tech in Ophthalmology (membro fondatore e attuale Consigliere).
  • AMOA: Associazione Medici Oculisti dell’Africa.


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